

BTS Telkomsel Pioneered Go Green

Telkomsel became the pioneer Go Green with a BTS 164 BTS (base transceiver station) that utilize environmentally friendly solar energy. Telkomsel also have two base stations that use traditional micro hydro power water as Indonesia's geographical conditions.

During this Telkomsel to seek their consistent use of alternative energy sources as part of efforts to ensure the availability of power supply required to operate BTS.Telkomsel continues to research and development of alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly as an effort to maintain service performance and corporate performance in the future.

Selection of environmental programs that have a high value on the benefits it should be quite selective. Therefore, a number of large companies that have been known to be quite intense environmental programs by rolling the public had come to fight in the event that was held by the magazine Business & CSR and the Republic of Indonesia's Forestry Ministry. Call it include Danone Aqua, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Antam (Persero) Tbk, PT Jasa Marga (Persero), PT BNI (Persero) Tbk, and others.

Not only useful signal range to meet the needs of Vodacom, the existence of microhydro and solarcell BTS was able to open up isolated areas of a conventional power supply. Including boosting the value of the economy in the region above, for Telkomsel Indonesia is committed to build, because most Indonesian Telkomsel.

Until now, no less 2200 BTS (base transceiver station) based environmentally friendly consisting of solar cell, micro-hydro, fuel cell base stations and hotels have spread across Indonesia.

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