

Princess Wedding Sultan Hamengkubuwono X

SULTAN Hamengkubuwono X youngest daughter will be married in mid-October 2011. Gusti Raden Maya (GRAj) Nurastuti Wijareni and Achmad Ubaidillah to be held on 16 to 19 October 2011.

Sri Sultan HB X is a very eminent figure of the citizens of Yogyakarta, the important figures, as well as society in general. Not surprisingly, thousands of important guests scheduled to attend a wedding reception at the youngest daughter of the Sultan.

Daughter's wedding from the number one in Yogyakarta, also will put up the big screen so that people could witness their marriage.

The process of consent granted held in Yogyakarta Penepen Mosque with 1,500 invitations. The process of reception in the evening with 1,000 invitations. President and Vice President, other invitations are the ambassadors and state officials.

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