Learn internet marketing that does not have to wait to know everything, but enough that you know the key to marketing. In order to learn internet marketing can be much faster ... Then we need a mentor, teacher, counselor and so on, of course, teachers who have been successful marketing and successfully apply their knowledge. With so we stayed to observe, imitate, follow, cheating and then modify it according to our business model.
But in this case I will review with the principles of marketing Jay Abraham had. According to Robert Kiyosaki's teachers, there are three principles that everyone must have for success.
What is it?
1. The desire for progress / success
2. Knowledge (knowledge) and skill (skill)
3. Action
The third series of the above must be continuous with each other from each other. Suppose you have a strong desire to progress / success, but if you do not have the knowledge in your field ... Then of course would be difficult to be realized.
Nor may you have a strong desire to succeed are also accompanied by the knowledge and skills that qualified, but unfortunately you just dreaming and not even the minimal action, the same as lying.
Therefore, the three principles above should be continuous from each other. A motivational phrase that could move the "stop dreaming start action" must actually be used in realizing the three principles above, as well as in all the joints of people's lives.
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