

Display New Twitter More Interaction

Internet's most popular microblogging service Twitter has introduced a new look to and TweetDeck, as well as its mobile applications IOS and Android.

A pen picture enabled for the 'New game' is now replaced with a feathered pen icon, then there are three main changes, namely that there is a new button at the top that is;

Home - an older version of the news feed with some change for the better. If the earlier media such as photographs and videos can be viewed next section, users can now instantly see just below the tweet (by clicking). In addition users can also view information about the @ replies and retweets for a particular tweet with less clicking on "Open" as a new optional.

@ Connect - Contains all @ replies and tweets mention of the user. Not many changes in this section, but Twitter says users can connect directly with each other and learn more about the people in mention.

@ Discover - Twitter seems to combine the results of the search function in this section, not only contains a trending topic, hashtags, users can also identify stories and trends based on the location, connections and the language used.

In addition to the above three major changes, the user profile page is also made larger, neat and a lot of activity recorded.

Like do not want to lose with Facebook, Twitter also added a special page for famous brand in the world, where account managers can customize the look of the brand's header to make the logo and tagline are more prominent, and other improvisation which is devoted to brand advertising purposes.

Twitter CEO Dick Castolo According to the introduction of new design and logo Twitter in San Francisco on Thursday (08.12.11) yesterday, a major change is intended to make the interface more attractive and have a better functionality for users.

Although not all users in the world get the latest updates from appearance, but the IOS and Android users can immediately enjoy it by downloading the application upgrade.